Judy Foy

Born in Montana, Judy emigrated with her young American parents to Africa as a baby. She moved back to the United States at the age of 20 after growing up in small towns in Namibia and South Africa. Having lived in Washington, Maine, and Ohio for her undergraduate and master's education, Judy completed her post-doctoral fellowship at UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Behavior. She then worked as a professor in the Psychological Sciences Department at Loyola Marymount University for many years, and is now Professor Emeritus. Her projects have included a grassroots literacy program for under-resourced beginning readers, a program to help people with chronic pain, a research program studying brain correlates of cognition, and workshops to help the bereaved find community and support on their healing journey. Judy writes inspirational fiction and non-fiction for children and adults grounded in faith, hope, and the enduring power of love. Judy also serves those impacted by grief, chronic pain, and breast cancer through peer-to-peer support in person or virtual to individuals and groups. She is certified as a Grief Educator through David Kessler and Red Bird Ministries, teaching Empowered Relief® (for chronic pain) and Mindfulness for Pain Management (Integrative Pain Science Institute), and facilitating support groups for those with chronic pain through the American Chronic Pain Association. In addition, she is an active member of many groups and societies and has completed countless workshops, trainings (including David Kessler's Tender Hearts and Evolving Hearts grief support), and classes. She continues to contribute her expertise and experience in books, articles, webinars, and talks. She and her husband also raised two beloved sons. Judy and her husband divide their time between the beautiful Flathead Valley in Montana and Southern California. She enjoys spending time with loved ones, reading, being outdoors, photography, and music.