Children's Grief Awareness Day is designed to help us all become more aware of the needs of grieving children — and of the benefits they obtain through the support of others. Children's Grief Awareness Day is an opportunity to make sure that grieving children receive the support they need.
For more information go to https://www.childrensgriefawarenessday.org/cgad2/index.shtml
Illuminating HOPE
After a loved one dies, there is a sense in which life feels darker, as if some light and color are drained from the world.
The Highmark Caring Place invites you to help shine a light of hope in this darkness through our Virtual Illuminating HOPE campaign.
Illuminating HOPE is a one of a kind gathering of virtual butterflies, each one a message of love and honor and support. People from across the world create and contribute virtual butterflies:
- In MEMORY of loved ones who have died
- In HONOR of a child or adult who is grieving
- In SUPPORT of grieving children, adults, and families everywhere
The butterflies are added to a special Butterfly Garden on the Illuminating HOPE website. These messages of transformation and hope show children that they are not alone — that they are cared about and supported in their grief.
Seen as a whole, this garden is beacon of hope to all who are grieving the death of a loved one.
Go to HOPE.HighmarkCaringPlace.com to participate in our virtual Illuminating HOPE.
Holding On To HOPE
When someone we love dies, it hurts, sometimes more than we ever thought it could hurt. Although it can seem as if the intense pain will never go away, it can ease over time. Grief lasts a lifetime—we will miss them forever—but there is HOPE.
In those times that it hurts the most, we can hold on to the hope that "it won't always hurt so bad."
We invite you to join us in Holding On To HOPE.
Will you Hold On To HOPE?
Show grieving children "I care and I am here."
How to Participate
Create a Holding On To HOPE tribute placard to show your support:
- Download the "Holding On To HOPE" image below and print it out
- On the placard, let people know WHO or HOW:
- WHO you're Holding On To HOPE for
- Or HOW you're Holding On To HOPE
- Then share a photo on social media using #childgriefday
WHO you're Holding On To HOPE for:
- Is there a grieving child that you are keeping in mind? You might add their name or initials to your sign.
- Are you a grieving child (or adult) yourself? You could Hold On To HOPE in memory of someone you love. Who is that person, and what memories do you want to share about them?
- Do you know a group or an organization that works to support grieving children? You can Hold On To HOPE in support of this group. Who is the organization, and what do they do to make you proud of their work?
- Or you may simply want to Hold On To HOPE in support of all grieving children and send out HOPE from yourself, your family or your group.
HOW you’re Holding On To HOPE:
In what way or ways will you help grieving children find hope? You can:
- Educate yourself about the needs of grieving children
- Volunteer your time with an organization that works to support grieving children
- Raise awareness of what these children experience, and of their need for support
Download the "Holding On To HOPE" PDF and print it for yourself.
HOPE the Butterfly was created to spread this message of hope to grieving children across the world. No one can just take away a child's grief. No one can bring back the person who has died. But we can show grieving children that they're not alone. We can show them we care. We can show them we're there for them.
Grieving children can hold on to our support, our care. Grieving children can hold on to hope.
Bereaved Parent Month