Resources for the Bereaved

If you would like a printable list of resources all on one document please email me:

Please see the individual tabs on this website for grief resources and books that I recommend specific to your kind of loss.  

For immediate help, see, Griefshare, Open to HopeCompassionate Friends and Red Bird Ministries (for child loss of any age), and Friends for Survival (suicide loss)

And don't forget the siblings. They are often forgotten in grief, regardless of age. 

Do you think someone you know should be over their grief by now? Love is forever, so loved ones are missed forever. There is no timetable for grief, and everyone grieves differently. The bereaved can benefit from your love and support, especially in anticipation of anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays. And the greatest gift you can give the bereaved is your physical presence, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel inside. It's ok to say "I don't know what to say." As Maya Angelou put it:“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

May I help?
I facilitate small virtual (anywhere, year-round) and in-person groups in Southern California (non-summer months) and Montana (summer months). 

My certifications:
Peer-to-peer Grief Educator 

A certified Grief Educator provides grief support through education, experience, and insights into the often unacknowledged rocky terrain of grief. The certificate program I completed was designed and taught by world-renowned grief expert, David Kessler. Those of us who are peer-to-peer educators have lived experience with traumatic loss. We bring David's unique methodology, tools, and decades of experience to help people navigate the challenges of grief. I am available to provide individual or group help.

Red Bird Ministries Small Group Facilitator

Red Bird Ministries helps bereaved parents from loss during pregnancy through adulthood. Losing a child is an extraordinary cross to bear. We are humbled and honored to accompany you on your sacred healing journey.


To sign up for a class please contact me at or